How a Committee Tax Fills Congress with Lobbyist Money

Mitchell Nemeth
Dialogue & Discourse


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Congress is broken. This has become remarkably clear as Congress fails to agree to a new COVID-19 relief bill. Any relief bill that materializes is likely to be stuffed with special interest “pork” and unrelated provisions, as was the initial COVID-19 relief bill (the CARES Act). Republicans want to include COVID-19 related lawsuit liability shields for businesses. Democrats want bailouts of highly indebted (this is often code for Democratic-run) states and unrelated election changes such as expanded mail-in-voting. The truth is both sides want to utilize the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to compile their partisan, special interest wish list.

Everyday voters do not understand the degree to which Congress is corrupted. If they did, it is likely that a supermajority of voters would seek to overturn the system. Instead, this incredibly flawed system is perpetuated by political polarization and the nonsensical belief that either political party is interested in changing the status quo. This is how Republican voters turned on the establishment and elected President Donald Trump. For all of his flaws, President Trump built a campaign message around the popular theme that Congress no longer worked for everyday Americans.

There are countless institutional problems with Congress, from campaign financing to the growth of the…



Mitchell Nemeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Risk Management professional here to provide unfiltered commentary. Views expressed are mine alone.