Five Ways Republicans could Guarantee Defeat in 2020

Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse


Republicans need to be very careful because their party is moving in directions could guarantee electoral defeat in 2020.

In particular, I see several ominous trends towards disastrous political strategies that are gaining popularity. Conversely, I do not think Republican leaders nor President Donald J. Trump (R-New York) subscribe to this faulty thinking.

However, these notions are popular and could prompt some disastrous moves by rank-and-file Republicans. Moreover, I think they base some of these strategies on wishful thinking that could do more harm than good.

Five Sure Paths to Republican Electoral Defeat in 2020

One: over dependence on Donald J. Trump

Yes, Trump is a proven vote getter who achieved an extraordinary victory in 2020. However, Trump’s popularity is not rubbing off on other Republicans. Notably, the Republican lost the US House of Representatives in 2018 despite extensive campaigning by Trump.

If Republicans want to win in 2020, they will need Trump alternatives and a lot of hard work. Hoping Trump can attract enough votes to restore the Congressional majority is wishful thinking.



Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.