The Different Drummer

For Those Who Have Blocked Out The Memory Of Trump’s Presidency

Is “Are you better off than you were four years ago” really a question Trump should ask? For starters, we aren’t in the middle of a pandemic.

Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readSep 24, 2024


There is no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people.

– Mr. Garrison on South Park

By Ralf Roletschek — Self-photographed, FAL,

Any casual watcher of hurricane coverage can tell you that the greatest danger comes at high tide. As the water levels rise, the sea reclaims the land and devours oceanfront property. Unfortunately, former President Trump seems ignorant of this basic fact and, therefore, does not understand one of the most basic threats of global warming. While the one-two punch of rising oceans and more frequent extreme weather events, both caused by climate change, have wiped out island communities and threatened the existence of entire countries, Trump perceives a positive outcome. Ignoring the prediction that most of his Mar-a-Lago resort “could be underwater by 2100,” he often says that a rising sea level will somehow create “more oceanfront property.”



Carl J. Petersen
Dialogue & Discourse

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.