Young citizen follows the public debate (b0red)

Forget Removal

Impeachment proceedings would be an act of public service

Dialogue & Discourse
10 min readMay 12, 2019


Since the release of Barr’s first finding that Mueller didn’t find sufficient evidence to indict, Democrats have backed away from impeachment. Speaker Pelosi made it clear there’s no point in impeachment if the Senate won’t remove Trump from office. In response, the GOP called on Democrats to impeach or subpoena Mueller.

I understand Pelosi’s concerns. I’ve considered impeachment a fool’s quest from the first call. It would only further polarize the debate and Senate Republicans would refuse to remove him no matter how damning the evidence. I realize now that I was wrong. Not only because a decision to impeach should never be based on political calculations, but because access to information is in the public interest. Open impeachment hearings would bring that evidence to light, evidence that may extend beyond the Mueller investigation.

Barr’s held a pre-release press conference the day before Easter weekend, and his conclusions make impeachment even less likely. During that conference he excused Trump for any behavior that might raise voter concerns. “As he entered into office, and sought to perform his responsibilities as President, federal agents and prosecutors were scrutinizing his conduct before and after taking office, and the conduct of some of his associates.”[1]

