Hillary Clinton is the Nation’s Most Divisive Democrat.

Since no one in mainstream media or democratic politics will acknowledge it, it’s time to point out the obvious.

Lauren Elizabeth
4 min readJan 21, 2020


Photo via Hillary Clinton on Instagram

When it comes to the seemingly relentless attacks against Senator Bernie Sanders, I have been doing my best to stay focused on policy, keep my eyes on the prize, and keep the conversation directed towards the issues that matter. But every once in a while, something will come up that is so malicious, outrageous, and infuriating that there is absolutely no way it can go unaddressed.

Hillary Clinton’s latest remarks would definitely fall under that category.

In an interview discussing an upcoming documentary set to be released on March 6th on Hulu, once again Clinton’s remarks about Bernie Sanders were — to put it mildly — less than kind. Not only did she say that he’s gotten nothing done, but also that no one likes him, he supports sexist attacks, and that she would not commit to endorsing him or campaigning for him if he won the 2020 nomination.

Oh, where to begin.

First of all, let us acknowledge the obvious. Calls for unity among conservative democrats like Hillary Clinton and the people she aligns herself with are nothing more than a ploy to gaslight the left in…



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx