Hillary Clinton’s $100,000 Zoom Call Tickets Represent Everything Wrong With the Democratic Party.

The latest Joe Biden fundraising efforts are leaving me more convinced than ever that the democratic party is beyond all hope.

Lauren Elizabeth
4 min readMay 8, 2020


Photo via Greg Nash

Scrolling through my Twitter feed I happened to notice a tweet sent out by Richard Medhurst, drawing attention to a new fundraising endeavor for Joe Biden’s general election campaign against Donald Trump. Linked in the tweet was an event put on by the Biden Victory Fund involving a Zoom call, entitled: ‘Virtual Conversation with Hillary Rodham Clinton and DNC Chair Tom Perez’.

Tickets for this Zoom call are selling for as high as $100,000 dollars.

Of course, there are other levels of contribution as well. A “champion” can purchase a ticket for $50,000, “guests” for $5,600, and limited availability “attendee” tickets are selling for $2,800. If you want to be considered a “friend” to the Biden campaign and by extension the democratic party as well, you must purchase a ticket for no less than $15,600.

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Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx