How Banks Turn Trust into Cash

The economics of deposits, loans, and the money multiplier

Etienne Yuan
5 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo by Aditya Vyas on Unsplash

You may have heard a variation of this story before:

Alice, an author, deposits a $100 check she received as an advance for her next book in the bank. Brandon Baker takes that $100 out as a loan from the bank to buy flour for his bakery from Mary Miller. Mary takes the money, and pays Frank Farmer for what she owes him for the wheat. Frank then takes the hundred dollars, and pays Mike the mechanic for what he owes him for repairing his tractor. Then Mike takes the money, and pays $100 he owes Brandon for catering for Mike’s wife’s birthday party the week before. Brandon takes the hundred dollars to the bank and settles his loan. Finally, Alice decides she wants to have the cash in hand after all. So, she withdraws her hundred dollars, which she receives in the form of the bill Brandon just used to pay off his debt. She promptly puts it under her mattress.

In the end, the bank and Alice’s balances are exactly as in the beginning, but everyone else’s debts, 400 dollars’ worth of economic activity, are settled thanks to Alice’s $100 initial deposit which she withdrew shortly after.

Usually, this anecdote is told with the implication that there is something rather suspect with banks.



Etienne Yuan
Dialogue & Discourse

Innovation Consultant | Investor | Writer Wannabe | | @etienneyuan