How Brexit Has Shattered Peace In Northern Ireland

Brexit always presented an impossible conundrum for peace in Northern Ireland. Violence has now erupted on the streets.

Dave Olsen
4 min readApr 10, 2021


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On April 7th, the sixth night of violence between unionists, nationalists, and the Northern Irish police (PSNI), a mob threw burning projectiles into a bus, forcing its driver out and leaving the bus to go up in flames.

It was hard to avoid thinking of the now-infamous Vote Leave bus, complete with the reckless campaign and lies it is associated with.

Apricotptr, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The idea of Brexit, dreamed up by Eurosceptics in the Conservative Party, was of a Britain outside the EU, able to decide its own laws and control its own borders.

Put like that, it’s a pretty enticing proposition. The referendum campaign centred on whether or not leaving the EU would be good for the economy and for the country, with Remainers arguing that the economic damage would be too great, while Leavers argued that Brussels bureaucrats had taken control of Britain’s laws and economy, and that we needed to “take back control”.



Dave Olsen
Dialogue & Discourse

Political and policy analysis | Operations Director, | Student, University of Oxford |