How Democratic Triangulation Drove Republicans into Trumpian Lunacy

Centrist liberalism and the slide into a right-wing cult

Benjamin Cain
9 min readFeb 2, 2021


Image by Louis Velazquez, from Unsplash

Who is surprisingly responsible for the insanity of the Republicans over the last few decades, for the rightward push of American conservatives which has led them further and further from reason, reality, statesmanship, and from acting in good faith on the country’s behalf?

Not Donald Trump. Not Vladimir Putin. Not Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, or any other conservative icon.

No, the Democrats started this.

Democratic Triangulation and Centrism

Democrats have done this to the Republicans not by being socialistic or progressive, contrary to the dishonest rhetoric from the Republicans and from right-wing media. That is, the Democrats didn’t force the Republicans into exploring the frontiers of authoritarianism, insurrection, and demagoguery, by opting for a comparable move towards the far left.

On the contrary, as Chris Hedges explains, since at least the 1990s, the Democrats began purging the liberals, progressives, and democratic socialists from their party, turning Ralph Nader into a pariah, for example.

