How Do US Presidential Elections Take Place?
A Peek at Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris in 2024
With less than a month left for the most awaited election around the World- The American Elections 2024. The US is considered as the world’s oldest democracy and the US President is seen as the most powerful position in the world. Let us look into the entire system of US elections and how they are conducted.
Dates, Days and Months
American elections are more than a year-long process. For many people, election day is mentioned as the day of voting but for others, it’s the day when a new President takes charge and much more. For enthusiasts, it’s the year-long process of selection of candidates till a new President takes the oath that keeps them hooked.
As per the American Constitution, the first Tuesday is decided as the date of election. But given that the idea of elections has changed for circumstances, there are different dates for different types of voting as well.
Rules of the election
Unlike other countries where it’s usually the Election Commission that sets the…