Politicians Fail to Pass Legislation, Turn to Pressure on Big Business

Mitchell Nemeth
Dialogue & Discourse


Today there is discussion over whether or not to ban the President of the United States from a popular channel of communication and to disallow other individuals from participating in financial transactions. Previously these topics were taboo, however these are in fact real world examples of modern-day ideological warfare. This is life in the current day for those disaffected by expressing contrary views. The consequence of such actions is to radicalize those who have become “the other.”

Certainly similar events occurred in the past, but the normalization of this pattern of behavior is extremely troubling. One is likely to engage with such behaviors when times are difficult. As politicians have been unable to advance legislation in traditional outlets, they have applied pressure on businesses to act, says conservative commentator, Dan Bongino. Much has been written about political polarization and its origins. This subject is extremely complex, but the challenge for our lawmakers has taken a hold of everyday business and financial markets.



Mitchell Nemeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Risk Management professional here to provide unfiltered commentary. Views expressed are mine alone.