How Redlining Is Still Present In Our Communities Even After 52 years

Redlining is prevalent in our communities without its ink being physically labelled onto the maps of our communities.

Petiri Ira
3 min readSep 18, 2020


What is Redlining?

Redlining is the process in which banks denied to offer mortgages to people, mostly people of colour in urban areas, preventing them from buying a home in certain neighbourhoods or getting a loan to renovate their house.

During the late 1930s the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), a New Deal agency created to refinance homes and prevent foreclosures, surveyed real estate trends in the nation’s largest cities.

The practice of redlining is literal in its effect, the history of the practice is proof that it is rooted in racial discrimination. Back in the 1930s across the country institutions would take maps and outline areas with substantial Black populations in red ink as a warning to mortgage owners, to effectively segregate the Black and Latino/a/x population.

A map of the city of Richmond Virginia: University of Richmond



Petiri Ira
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