Imi Lichtenfeld Fought For Peace In His World

A Journey By Sea And Desert In Search Of A Home

Erik Brown
Dialogue & Discourse
9 min readSep 3, 2019


River Ship Pentcho — מכון ז'בוטינסקי [Public domain] Via Wikipedia Creative Commons

As Imi Lichtenfeld stood on the deck of the ship. It’s hard to imagine the things that were going through his mind.

The broken down river boat he found himself on was going to make an attempt to cross an unforgiving sea. This paddle boat was not designed for the open ocean and was already having a difficult time navigating the river.

The only captain crazy enough to pilot the ship was a morphine addict. The boat was also dangerously overloaded with people.

Imi and the others on the boat had been chased away from their own home by people who grew up as their neighbors. All of this just because of their religion. Every where the boat stopped on their journey, they were treated as pariah.

All of these thoughts must have weighed on him heavily. It may have crushed the average person. However, Imi was no ordinary man. Those who would come to harm his people would find this out, as would the people on the ship.

He’d eventually come to face the evil that prosecuted his people so badly and help chase them out of their new desert base and back to Europe. When this war was over, he’d continue an effort to help his people achieve peace by using his knowledge to create a…

