
Is Vladimir Putin Dead? Unlikely.

Unfortunately, the Russian dictator is still alive and well

Alexander Ziperovich
Dialogue & Discourse
5 min readNov 2, 2023


Photo by Jon Cooper / Twitter

If you follow Russian politics, or dwell in the darker corners of the internet, you may have noticed a story spreading like wildfire in recent days around Telegram and X, the site formerly known as Twitter, and finally jumping into the mainstream media. The news? Vladimir Putin, Russian dictator and Ukrainan warmonger, was suddenly dead at age 71.

It all began with GeneralSVR, an anonymous Twitter/Telegram account that claims to be a senior Russian security official with extraordinary insider access to the uppermost levels of the Kremlin power structure. On October 26th, the anonymous account reported that President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin perished at his Valdai villa at “20:42, p.m Moscow time,” felled by a cardiac arrest, unleashing a macabre “coup d’etat in Russia.”

“Now the doctors are blocked in the room with Putin’s corpse, they are being held by employees of the presidential security service on the personal order of [Federal Protective Service Director] Dmitry Kochnev, who is in touch and receives instructions from the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Patrushev,” it continued.



Alexander Ziperovich
Dialogue & Discourse

Essayist, opinion columnist, dyspeptic political analyst, historian. I spread anti-propaganda. @alexziperovich Also at alexziperovich.substack.com