Job Killer Bank of America offers $20 an hour Pay

Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse


One of our biggest job killers, Bank of America offers $20 an hour pay to its remaining employees. Moreover, Bank of America shows how technology kills jobs and raises wages.

Predictably, Bank of America’s decision to raise its average pay from $17 an hour to $20 excites the corporate media. However, the big media fails to mention that Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) is one of our biggest job killers.

In fact, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan brags about the 84,000 people BOA cut from its workforce in the past nine years…



Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.