Kamala Harris May Become The Longest Serving President Since FDR

Kesh Anand
Dialogue & Discourse


Kamala Harris made history in recent months; becoming the first woman to be elected as Vice President Of the United States — and the first one of colour to boot!

That’s an astonishing accomplishment, but she may well have a lot more history to make yet.

Attaining The Highest Office In The Land

Joe Biden has just become the oldest ever person elected to the Presidency.

Ascending at the age of 78 means he would be 82 going into his second term, and 86 when finishing it. It is extremely likely that he will not serve out his full term.

There is also a real possibility that Trump will run again in 2024.

While a sitting President typically enjoys the benefit of incumbency against their opponents in elections — a sitting President versus an ex-President might be a very different type of contest — as evidenced from the time Teddy Roosevelt ran against Taft.

To capitalise upon the incumbency advantage (which includes the sitting president having a relatively straightforward primary to secure their party’s nomination), Biden may resign in favour of Harris during the latter half of his term — making her the first female President in American history.

