Gun Control

Keep Kitty Litter Out Of Classrooms

When the GOP expressed outrage over children pooping like cats were they just trying to win votes or will they work to pass gun control?

Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readDec 5, 2022


Schools are wanting [SIC] to put litter boxes in the schools for these children to use. How is this sanitary?

- Nebraska State Sen. Bostelman (R)

To listen to the right-wing outrage machine, our schools are inundated with “hundreds of thousands [of students] across America” who are “coming to class wearing tails, fake animal ears, and even leashes.” Republican politicians, including elected officials, from throughout the country jumped on the “crisis” posed by “furries,” often claiming that educators “are putting litter boxes in schools for people who identify as cats.” Donald Trump Jr. stated that “up in New England they had litterboxes.” Joe Rogan discussed the experience of a friend’s wife who is a teacher “who works at a school” where a “mother badgered the school until they agreed to put a litterbox in one of the stalls” to accommodate her daughter who identifies as a cat. His guest, Tulsi Gabbard, declared the situation to be “insane.



Dialogue & Discourse

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.