Killer Robots are fighting in Ukraine and nobody notices — Market Mad House

Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse


An old science fiction nightmare; killer robots, is becoming a reality in Ukraine and nobody is noticing. Hence, slaughterbots, killbots, terminators, or killer robots are real and waging war in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, the media is using many euphemisms to hide the truth of what is happening in Ukraine. News stories discuss drones, autonomous weapons, kamikaze drones, and “loitering munitions” as writers avoid the r-word.

Nobody wants to admit the reality of what is happening in Ukraine. Even the experts are eager to hide the ugly truth. Machines are waging war and killing people. Frighteningly, it appears machines can kill people without human guidance.

Drones vs. Robots

It is easy to hide the truth because journalists refuse to discuss the difference between drones and robots.

To explain, a drone is a remote controlled vehicle. For example, expert pilots operate the infamous American Predator drone from a long-distance.

In contrast, a robot is a machine that independently performs a task. To elaborate, the drone is under human control, while the robot needs no human guidance.

Robots are deadlier than drones



Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.