2024 LAUSD Elections

LAUSD Candidate Forum: Governance

Is the LAUSD too large? Candidates for the LAUSD School Board answer this question and more about how policies are created and implemented.

Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readDec 1, 2023


“Teachers and administrators on the school site have the most direct and immediate impact on student outcomes and parent engagement. But their voices and those of engaged parents seem to be lost when up against the layers of LAUSD bureaucracy.”

– BD3 CandidateByRoN Gutierrez

In prior months, the Candidate Forum has focused on specific subjects like PROP-39 co-locations and Special Education policies. This bypassed the more basic issue of how the potential candidates for the four contested LAUSD School Board seats feel the District should be governed. For the November edition of this series, the questions focused on how policies are created and then implemented.

The LAUSD covers 710 square miles, more than any other school district in the country. With traffic, it can take hours to get from one edge of the district to the other. It serves the…



Carl J. Petersen
Dialogue & Discourse

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children. www.ChangeTheLAUSD.com