Life Under Socialism: An Alternative Story

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone hated their lives under socialism during the Cold War.

Martin Barakov
7 min readFeb 5, 2021


Anytime that anyone decides to look up information surrounding socialist projects throughout history, they are bombarded with inaccurate information about said projects, as well as the countless individual testimonies that portray life in countries like the German Democratic Republic (GDR) or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) as astronomically horrible.

A photograph of the Berlin Wall (by Potsdamer Platz) in November 1975. (Edward Valachovic / CC BY-SA 2.0)

A constant barrage of insults ranging from the concept of “food insecurity” to “state oppression” is inevitable when attempting to find personal accounts of life in these countries and other similarly positioned ones. This can be linked to many different reasons, including but not limited to fear-mongering by capitalist governments who fear an organized proletariat, as was seen with the introduction of the constant “Red Scare” theme throughout history following the success of the October Revolution in 1917.

Before explaining the story that is personal to me and my life specifically, an examination of various personal accounts that preferred the socialist era should be showcased.

In the case of Serbia, an overwhelming majority of those polled mentioned how they preferred the…

