New Reports Reveals Trump’s Drilling Leases Could Release 4.7 Billion Metric Ton of Carbon into The Atmosphere

Dialogue & Discourse


“Americans have been kept in the dark” about the effects of President Trump’s drilling leases on public lands says the wilderness society

A national conservation group called The Wilderness Society Society has revealed that President Donald Trump’s drilling leases on public lands could lead to the release of more carbon emissions than the European Union contributes in an entire year. It is estimated that when development of the leased land and waters begin, emission would be ranging from at least 854 million to as much as 4.7 billion metric tons. The 28 countries in the EU released 4 billion metric tons in a year, according to recent available data.
Regardless of exactly how many leases are put to use by oil and gas companies, the Wilderness Society reports, “These leasing decisions have significant and long-term ramifications for our climate and our ability to delay the worst impacts of global warming.” According to the group, the US government has offered close to 378m acres (153m hectares) of public lands and waters for oil and gas leasing, more than any other previous administration since Trump became president through April 2019, with Trump’s administration also trying to overturn the Obama administration’s ban on coal leases.



Dialogue & Discourse

My name is Yomi, and my goal is to share success stories, business mini-documentaries and tips to help future entrepreneurs grow successful businesses.