An account of newton’s gravitational constant
They don’t teach this in physics classrooms NOT because they don’t want to, but because it is unbeknown. Newton’s gravitational constant is not universal, but a variable inversely proportional to object’s mass, and directly proportional to the square of object’s radii. The constant of proportionality is the frequencies that represent the objects. This article is about those frequencies — the frequencies of matter.

The Physics of Invisible Worlds Where Newton’s Laws no Longer Apply

The one thing that is not covered in physics curriculum concerns the wave properties of matter. This is probably the second greatest mistake in the history of physics described by Ethan Siegel. In this article we will describe a world where there is nothing and everything at the same time. A world that really exist and the laws of physics are totally different. Simply put, Newtonian physics no longer apply in that world.


If you are still wondering what wave properties of matter are, let’s conduct a thought experiment. Pick up a stone, raise it to the height of your eyesight, drop it. Easy, right? Newton’s Laws suggests that the speed and instantaneous height as functions of time can be calculated. What it doesn’t say, is that they are also sources of radio frequencies that can be heard by tuning to a certain range of frequencies more like we do for radio channels. That is when everything is understood as a wave of some kind.

It is amazing right? You know what else is ecstatic? the thought that there is another whole world out…



Nicolus Rotich
Dialogue & Discourse

I am a Software/Algorithmic Developer, Science Writer and Systems Thinker. Most of my content is freshly distilled from up-to-date scientific journals reviews.