Our Biggest Problem is Climate Change, Right?

Tony Bracks
Dialogue & Discourse


What problem, if fixed, would give the most benefit for all?

It seems obvious really. Man-made climate change could have devastating consequences for humanity. Hundreds of millions of people could be forced from their coastal homes, fertile farmland could be changed forever, and devastating storms could become commonplace. Theoretically, in an absolute worst case scenario, climate change could lead to the end of civilisation as we know it. Obviously, this critical issue needs to be addressed. Yet, if given the chance to solve one critical issue first, I would not solve climate change.

Millions of people face malnutrition, poor water quality and many diseases. Many die from internal and international conflicts. Millions face financial challenges to put food on the table and to get basic medical care, while vast wealth is controlled by an elite few. Corruption and tax evasion cost governments globally trillions every year. The problems of the world are many. And yet if given the chance to solve one issue, I would solve none of the above.

We have known about the dangers of climate change for decades now and our governments have failed to move forward effectively. Unless we deal with the underlying causes of that failure, we are doomed to fail again and again. A critical cause of our failure to deal with climate change…



Tony Bracks
Dialogue & Discourse

Ideas to make the world better at www.solvingfor.com.au. Author of “Solving For Democracy” on Amazon