Quantum Gravity in the Making: The Fusion of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

Olivier Loose
Dialogue & Discourse


Quantum Gravity in the Making
(Source image: own creation with Microsoft Powerpoint)

We always appreciate it when explanations add up. There is a sort of soothing and satisfying effect that comes along and suffuses us when things make sense.

Precisely for those reasons, what has irked many theoretical physicists for already several decades is the absence of the theory of quantum gravity, which intends to put gravitational and quantum behaviour under one coherent roof regardless of the energy scale.

This article sketches a brief overview of the quantum gravity landscape and a couple of its leading candidate theories, namely M-theory, loop quantum gravity, causal dynamical triangulations, and asymptotically safe gravity.

The Outline of the Marriage

Quantum mechanics is the ensemble of the laws of physics that accurately account for the kinetics of atomic and subatomic particles as well as radiation (light) at minute distance scales. The theory explains behaviour that we do not normally observe in our macroscopic world, for instance, establishing an instantaneous connection over large distances (quantum entanglement), crossing barriers otherwise impenetrable to larger objects (quantum tunnelling), and taking different paths at the same time (quantum superposition).



Olivier Loose
Dialogue & Discourse

Science writer at A Circle Is Round (https://acircleisround.com) • Writing preparation courses and exercise packages in the field of the physical sciences •