Remember When Kamala Harris Supported Medicare For All?

There was a time when she claimed to support a government-run healthcare plan.

Lauren Elizabeth
4 min readNov 28, 2020


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Considering how she didn’t get a single vote in the Democratic primary but was selected for the position of Vice President anyways, it’s safe to assume that the Democratic party machine has high hopes for the Senator from California and soon-to-be Vice President, Kamala Harris. After dropping out far earlier than many thought she would — to be fair, her polling was decent at the time— many expected that she had made the decision after being promised a position within the administration of whichever corporate Democrat would emerge victorious. While it certainly felt as though she was the one that many of the Democratic elites — including perhaps Barack Obama — had hoped would win, that made her selection even more likely, with the position of the Vice Presidency during the four years of the Biden administration setting her up perfectly to be the Democratic nominee in 2024.

Kamala Harris is frankly everything that Democratic donors, their loyal liberal voters, and arguably most importantly the media, love about a politician. It’s difficult to listen to her speak and imagine her doing anything else outside the realm of Democratic politics. After all, she has certainly perfected the ability of…



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx