Republican Splits Will Hand The Democrats The Presidency in 2020

Impeachment, troops in the Middle East — big, fundamental splits are opening up in the GOP — and if they’re not careful, they’ll put a Democrat in the Oval Office.

Dave Olsen
3 min readOct 22, 2019


Don’t be fooled by the smiles — war is afoot in the GOP

It’s easy to focus on the Presidential race purely in terms of the Democratic debates, and to analyse the divisions between Democrats. It’s equally tempting to just look at the impeachment enquiry and Turko-Kurdish conflict as part of the rigmarole of daily political life under the Trump administration.

But these political developments come just one year before the general election. And they could scarcely be more important to its outcome.

For all of the Democratic divisions, an impeachment process over a quid pro quo corruption scandal and a rift between President and party over a major foreign conflict are definitely more significant, and if the GOP can’t solve them soon, they’re in deep trouble.

There’ll be no significant primary challenge to Trump, which will greatly help his campaign. But a primary challenge isn’t the only way that a President can be knocked off his stride in a Presidential race: party divisions can be just as damaging, if not more so.



Dave Olsen
Dialogue & Discourse

Political and policy analysis | Operations Director, | Student, University of Oxford |