Republicans Don’t Offer Prosperity

They have nothing but contempt for the working class

Walter Rhein
5 min readSep 10, 2020


Photo by Steve Knutson on Unsplash

Look, let’s get a few things straight. Republicans want you to be poor. They want to take away your social security, make sure your pay stays low, make sure the cost of education puts you in debt forever, make sure you don’t have health care, and they want to strip you of all protections against anyone who would attempt to exploit you.

They also don’t want you to vote.

None of this is controversial. It’s all in their fundamental platform. They aren’t hiding it. They offer no prosperity whatsoever to the working class. So, the question is, why do they receive such rabid support from the very people they exploit?

I don’t get it

Seriously, just the attacks on social security should be enough to send Republican voters running for the hills. What part of that do people not understand? Go look at your check stub. See that money that’s being taken out of there for the payroll tax? That’s yours! You’re going to get that back unless the Republicans have their way.

Oh, to be clear, when the Republicans say they want to “cut social security” they aren’t talking about removing the payroll tax. In fact, nobody has even asked them this question. You’d think that would be the…



Walter Rhein

10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist.