Russia: Endgame

Everything about the Special Counsel spells doom for President Trump

David MacMillan
Dialogue & Discourse
10 min readDec 29, 2018


The president currently faces at least 17 investigations.

More than a dozen former associates have agreed to testify against him.

Nevertheless, he persists.

“Witch hunt!”

“Fake news!”

“Double standard!”

“Absolutely NO collusion!”

Trump’s protests are as regular and predictable as the fawning of his sycophants at Fox News and the blind adulation of his doting fan base. The president’s allies and lawyers continue to insist that every new indictment, pleading, and subpoena is somehow exculpatory…a conviction they repeat with impressive, if unconvincing, sincerity.

Meanwhile, in reality, the Special Counsel investigations leave the president critically vulnerable in three closely-connected areas: collusion with the now well-understood Russian efforts to fix the election, undue influence by hostile foreign powers, and conspiracy engineered in futile efforts to hide it all. Because each act inevitably tends to encourage the others, there is little doubt Mueller has…



David MacMillan
Dialogue & Discourse

Anyone with really good ideas will always be looking for better ones. Writing about law, fundamentalism, and science denial…book to follow.