Sixty Days of Chaos Will Follow Election Day

Sixty Days of Chaos Will Follow Election Day

John Dean
3 min readOct 11, 2020


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“It ain’t over til it’s over,” said Yogi Berra, but the widening lead for Joe Biden in recent polls suggests it might not be too early to start thinking about what to expect in the 78 days from November 3 to January 3. It will not be pretty, but it will be better than the alternative if the polls are right.


It is now a near certainty that Republicans will challenge election results even if the Democratic ticket wins in a landslide. Trump and Biden are both hiring lawyers and preparing for a lengthy legal battle, one that could put the 2000 election to shame. Expect challenges to millions of votes cast by mail. Also expect allegations of ballot-box stuffing, stolen ballots, and more. All this is likely to last at least a month and perhaps longer if Trump declines to concede defeat.


Members of Proud Boys and Boogaloo may not vote themselves but will be out in force if Trump suffers a colossal loss. Riots and looting could be widespread, especially if Trump expresses support or encouragement for it. Protests against election results could get violent if they conflict with anticipated celebrations of Biden’s win.




John Dean

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.