Steal Lincoln’s Body And Get Rich Quick

Not your usual get rich quick scheme

Erik Brown
Dialogue & Discourse
8 min readOct 14, 2019


Photo by Girma Nigusse on Unsplash

Recent times haven’t been good to you. It happens to the best of us. What you need is a different path to fortune. Maybe something a little risky would perk you up a bit? There’s a certain way to wealth that hasn’t been explored, and I think you’re just the person to take advantage of this.

All you need to do is help me steal Abraham Lincoln’s body.

That may not seem like a great sales pitch. But, it convinced a motley gang of currency counterfeiters to undertake one of the most bizarre robberies of all time.

This isn’t a joke or a comedy bit. A group actually did try and steal Lincoln’s body and hold it for ransom. Believe it or not, the ring leader attempted the theft twice. According to the history site American Heritage, the first attempt failed when a gang member blurted out the plan during a drunken binge at a brothel.

Apparently the ladies working that night didn’t take kindly to a client stealing the body of a president.

William Eustis, a veteran of Bunker Hill in the American Revolutionary War, would be so stunned to learn of an attempt to assassinate George Washington he’d make up a word to describe his outrage. He create a term called…

