The Cult Of Knee-Jerk Reaction

Erik Brown
Dialogue & Discourse


Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

Somebody must do something!

Whatever that something is, doesn’t really matter. Whether that something actually really takes care of the problem as well doesn’t really matter either


Think how often you hear that comment made on social media, television, radio, and between neighbors.

The outrage machine’s wheels start turning, generating momentum on Facebook, Twitter, and Hamster. Or whatever platform is popular for the moment.

The news media picks up on this outrage. Before you know it, the perfectly styled anchor man or woman are next in line. They show scorn and concern on their faces and repeat the mantra, “Someone must do something!”

Of course, they do this for a day or two, before they move on to the next outrage so they can keep their ratings up.

Technology has made our world so easy and things move so quickly now. Social media is a relatively new invention, but I can’t remember the world without it.

Messages pass across the earth with the push of a button. Trips that may have taken weeks in the past now take hours. In addition, you can watch a movie while you travel so you don’t get bored.

