The Department of Justice Swiftly Responds to a National School Board Association Letter Requesting a Domestic Terrorism Review of Parental Activism

Mitchell Nemeth
Dialogue & Discourse


Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Over the past two years, many parents across the country have had the opportunity to spend more time with their school aged children. This opportunity has caused a dramatic shift in the way parents view their relationship to their job. Permanent remote work had been just a small fraction of the entire workforce prior to the Pandemic but fears about prolonged exposure to others in a poorly ventilated office have pushed employers to maintain remote-friendly policies. Given this shift, parents have had more of an opportunity to spend time with their children and to better assist their children in learning.

Remote learning has been shown to be less effective for younger children than in-class learning. This opportunity has, nonetheless, allowed parents the opportunity to be more conscious of the education their child receives. Largely beginning in 2020, parents became more active in demanding better public education from their local school boards. Some parents argued that their children should be educated in-person without masks while others argued that schools should mandate masking for all school aged children. As parents began to see the effectiveness of their local activism, more parents joined in…



Mitchell Nemeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Risk Management professional here to provide unfiltered commentary. Views expressed are mine alone.