The Dominance of Devotions over Death & its Apprehension

Hardik Jain
Dialogue & Discourse
6 min readOct 12, 2022


I believe in a supernatural power, probably you might not. And if you might, then congratulations, we believe in the same religion and share the same sacrosanct. Religion is life and support of living for a lot, from historic times it is a means for connecting many peoples together. These Secular sentiments are worth more than patriotism or any other sentiment that compels or even drives the person to come out from the death cave.

Photo by Arti Agarwal:


Religion is the belief and invocation followed by a group towards a conceded deity or divine god. It refers to an organized system of religious ideas and practises that centre on or leads to profound spiritual insight. In Latin, the word “Relegere”, according to Cicero, means “to repeat, to read again,” or, most likely, Religionem, “to show regard for what is sacred”.

In the past, analogous to what we now refer to as mythological practices. It consisted of routine rites and activities based on the faith in higher supernatural entities that preserved and nourished the planet and its environs. In the historical time, it was this religion that pacified human suffering, uttered spiritually about human existence, provided deities and goddesses, the world’s origin, the afterlife, eternal and much more. The long historical beliefs and divine inclination rooted a deep spiritual seed that, with time, grew grey. As time passed, these religions started to solidify amongst themselves. One started to question the varied existence of another, denoting them as idealistic. Creating the dominance of one over the other. It clubbed people and polarized groups.

This belief and faith compile people and polarised groups. People started to stick to connecting themselves with one faith or the other and find its supremacy and only worthiness. All this leads to the creation of different — different religious practices across the region. Christianity, Islam and more, through all the different faiths, teach similar welfare preachings but in their own ways and on their own demands. These homogenous practices across one group with the times transformed into its customs and tradition that made their mark, supremacy, and none were more significant than these faiths.

Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash

Brief Descriptions of These Groups.

Christianity is based on the preachings of Jesus Christ. Although Christian organizations have different perspectives on his teachings, life, death, and resurrection, these issues constitute the core of everyone’s lifestyle. Hinduism is a long-standing custom of associated rituals and ideologies that originated in India. Its core values include respecting elders, honouring gurus, showing consideration for visitors, and respecting people of diverse racial and religious backgrounds. Hinduism is a heterogenetic religion having several gods abided by their responsibilities. Islam is a term that means “submission to God’s will.” Muslims are individuals who adhere to Islam. Muslims are monotheists who consider one supreme being, known as Allah in Arabic, to be the only god. Muslims try to live completely obedient lives to Allah. Prophet Muhammad is a preacher and provider of the ultimate form of Islam. The fundamental practices of Muslims are encapsulated in the five pillars of Islam, which include a statement of faith, ritual prayer, almsgiving, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage.

These are the description of a few among the many. The aim of talking about all this is to demystify having been too different from each other. One of the common threads that bind all religions is moral and the same.

Day in — day out, we contract with lots of ills, tragedies and problems. And dealing and fighting them, it was none parents, siblings, teachers, friends, lovers, employers, doctors, gas station attendants, plumbers, politicians, or veterinarians, but this, one supreme entity that needs nothing but true faith and love.


Everybody is religious certainly in their own terms, means and sense. Some believe in karma, some believe in the commands or some in binding covenants with god. Though there exist different ways and beliefs, but one thing common to each is the sense of knot or connection with god or supreme authority. And this connection was foremost in all the relations. Everyone possesses different desires and demands, and this is the connection of fulfilment of these desires. For some, it is the means of food, for some children, or shelter or a healthy life. It is an assertive connection that provides people hope that god, either today or tomorrow, waves off their sufferings and rewards their efforts. This hope of fulfilment makes this connection inimitable and incomparable. And it was only this connection that led them to apprehend for its preservation and led them to fight for it.

The connection led them to choose even death over life to climb the mountains or glide through the river in order to fulfil their wish and need. It led the humans to a positive vibe to transgress every obstacle and hurdle. It is this connection that binds one of the largest religious groups to do the Hajj yatra every year. It is this connection that binds millions of Hindus to worship temples, to reach the extent of mountains without caring about their lives and well-being.

Despite several events showing the perils of religious pilgrimage, thousands of individuals willingly do it each year. Some of these incidents are-

  • On July 8, 2022, Due to a sudden flood brought by a thunderstorm near the Lidder Valley, as pilgrims travelled to the revered caves, at least 16 people died, more than 40 were still missing, and many were wounded.
  • One of the important Hindu pilgrimages was there is Kashmir, which was prone to terrorist attacks. In 2000 Militants assaulted the Nunwan base camp near Pahalgam, where 32 people, including 21 unarmed Hindu pilgrims, and seven unarmed Muslim civilians, were killed.
  • Two to nine pilgrims were murdered, and three to twenty-seven people were injured in attacks on July 30 and August 6, 2002, in Srinagar and close to the Nunwan pilgrimage base camp by terrorists from the al-Mansuriyan group, a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba. This was not exclusive to Hinduism but to all religions.
Photo by ekrem osmanoglu on Unsplash
  • The practice of Tatbir, a type of ceremonial bloodshed that was practised by Shia Muslims, partake in the form of mourning or grief for the martyr of the younger grandson of Muhammad, Husayn ibn Ali, with close alley in the Battle of Karbala. This is also a form that depicts devotion to life.
  • Hajj, the pilgrimage of the followers of Islam to the holy city of Mecca, saws numerous death accidents due to overcrowded. In 2015 more than 2000 pilgrims died due to suffocation and stampede during crush.
  • Also, these crowded areas of the pilgrims were also noticeable points for the terrorist groups leading to several terrorist lapses making these places not less than the menacing vault.

This article aims to present this deep relationship between religion and its followers. Religion is not just a denomination of the tradition but a sacrilege thread that was beyond any apprehension or influence. It is a thread, and all the religious provocation happened when there arose the apprehension on this thread. When this connection of oneself with the uprising soal is in danger, people start provoking. Though this connection is praiseworthy but at the same time, the over-possessiveness is always apprehensible. And so I appreciate the period of enlightenment or rationalism or growing liberalism which is a boon that controls this extra-possessiveness.

I am one of the strong supporters of this perpetual connection of the human with the supernatural entity. But at the same time, on a cautious foot, fear its extremist form that leads to the bigotry, semitism and radicalism that took over tranquillity and humanism and depict mass suffrage. This sacrilege connection is good until and unless it does not transgress human rights and public peace. It needs to be understood that the very motive of this connection is to preserve peace and humanism, and if it becomes an institution of a fight, then any devotion or pilgrimage is good to nothing. We have to appreciate this human existence and understand that the very motive of any religious teaching is to preserve it. We need to respect every religion and, concerning our beliefs and connection, attempt to maintain peaceful perseverance of every faith and devotion.

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Hardik Jain
Dialogue & Discourse

Legal Researcher and Analyst | Law student and Apprentice| Member of ABA | Member of INBA |Part of Symbiosis University | Writer | Fiction Writer.