Inclusion and Diversity

The Fight Against Bigotry Continues

There is pushback as the bigoted “parents” who staged violent anti-LGBTQ+ protests during Pride Month continue to spread hateful rhetoric.

Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readJul 13, 2023


“June is like a perverted marathon with July as an American flag at the finish line.”

– Supporter of saticoyelementaryparents

When a group calling itself saticoyelementaryparents attempted to violently stop an assembly celebrating inclusion last month, they were insistent that the protest had nothing to do with being against gay people and that they just wanted the LAUSD to listen to their concerns. This narrative was quickly destroyed as members of the group bombarded those protesting in support of the assembly with anti-gay slurs.

The messaging that followed the violent protest also made it clear that it is not enough for these parents that lessons of inclusion and diversity be kept away from their own children. While claiming to fight for parents to have a say in their children’s education, their demands would trample over the rights of parents who want their children exposed to these types of lessons. They were not just fighting…



Carl J. Petersen
Dialogue & Discourse

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.