The Pundit Class’s Knives Come out for Andrew Yang — Market Mad House

Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. “ — Arthur Schopenhauer.

There is proof Andrew Yang is now a major presidential candidate. The American pundit class has launched an all out attack on Yang.

Pundits on both the left and the right are gunning for Yang. Yang’s impressive performance in the 15 October 2019 Democratic presidential debates inspired these ugly headlines:

Andrew Yang Is Full of It” — Jordan Weissmann in Slate, 17 October 2019.

Andrew Yang, Snake Oil Salesman” — Rich Lowry in National Review, 18 October 2019.

Democrats, Avoid the Robot Rabbit Hole: The automation obsession is an escapist fantasy “ — Paul Krugman in The New York Times, 17 October 2019.

Why do the Intellectuals Hate Andrew Yang?

Yang has become the new Trump. Everything Yang says and does seems to offend the intelligentsia. So we need to ask, why are the pundits so angry at Yang?

First, because Yang correctly points out the obvious but disturbing trends in modern society, the elitists prefer to ignore. In particular, the growing threat…



Daniel G. Jennings
Dialogue & Discourse

Daniel G. Jennings is a writer who lives and works in Colorado. He is a lifelong history buff who is fascinated by stocks, politics, and cryptocurrency.