The Race To Find A Cure For Aging

Learn about three pioneers working to turn back the clock

Tim Ventura
5 min readDec 26, 2019


We want to look & feel young again, and every year we spend hundreds of billions of dollars on beauty serums, cosmetic surgery, and exotic supplements in the hopes of appearing more vibrant, healthy, and desirable.

All of those products, procedures & pills only cover up the symptoms of aging — they do nothing to address the cause. While medicine does help us to live longer, at best it has only slowed the ravages of time, and an aging population is driving demand for alternatives to the gradual decline into senescence.

Aging, once thought to be inevitable, is being challenged. For the first time in history, biomedical innovators are starting to view it in a disease model, and not as an inevitability of life — and medical science is working to find a cure.

Here are three stories of people from different walks of life who share a singular goal — they’re actively working to extend their own lifespans, and sharing what they’ve learned on how to achieve it:

David Sinclair & NAD+



Tim Ventura

Futurist & business executive with 25+ years of industry experience and a passion for the future.