The Real Reason Trump Began the Transition Process.

I don’t think it had anything to do with Michigan.

Lauren Elizabeth
4 min readDec 1, 2020


© Bloomberg

Even weeks past the election, President Trump is still handling his loss of the 2020 election to Joe Biden exactly as not only people were predicting he would, but how he told us he would since before he was even elected into power in 2016. Since the loss, Trump has shown his willingness to bend what’s left of our already fragile “democracy” to the brink not just for the sake of his own ego, but in an effort to fundraise off of his base one more time on the way out in order to pay off his campaign debt and lay the foundation for a potential 2024 run.

While the lengths the President was willing to go in order to preserve his own power and avoid paying the debt that he owes were certainly unnerving, the decision of the Michigan state legislature to certify their states’ election solidified that his efforts would ultimately be unsuccessful. While I and I’m sure many others made the assumption that it was the certification of Michigan’s election that ultimately prompted Trump to begrudgingly allow the transition of power to Joe Biden to begin, I’ve begun to realize there was — at least in his mind — an even more significant factor at play in his decision.



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx