The Republican Party Has Nothing to Offer Anymore

I used to be a Republican. I know.

Jessica Wildfire
6 min readSep 26, 2020


Republicans don’t stand for anything now.

I used to be one. Like a lot of millennials, I grew up in a neoliberal household that filled our heads with stories about welfare queens and illegal immigrants. Our parents listened to Rush Limbaugh. They complained about taxes and crime during dinner. They schooled us in trickle down economics and deregulation. They excused our racist grandparents. “They’re just old. There’s no point in arguing with them.” They told us that evolution was hard science, but climate change was a hoax.

They watched “Dallas” every Friday night.

Donald Trump was the cool rich guy who showed up in commercials, and sometimes our favorite TV shows like “The Nanny.”

How bad could the guy be?

We were taught to be apathetic.

Growing up old school Republican, nothing really affected you.

We didn’t go to church or read the Bible, but we also didn’t care too much what evangelicals did. They could watch all the Pat Robertson they wanted, as long as they left us alone.

We called this religious freedom.

