The Return of Bernie Sanders

The Senator is back and ready to win.

Frank Lukacovic
Dialogue & Discourse
5 min readOct 17, 2019


Bernie Sanders reminded everyone Tuesday night at the Democratic debate why he is the best candidate for President of the United States. After being sidelined for a week or so, he delivered an amazing performance on national television, laying out his vision for the country. The news only got better after the debate ended with reports coming out that he was receiving three important endorsements — Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.

As the debate got underway, it was clear from the start that Senator Sanders was feeling and sounding great after his brief medical scare. It seems that the two stents put in are working just fine. He came off energized and ready to defend his plans and ideas. When it came to defending his Medicare for All plan, he was even sharper than usual.

After some bickering between candidates on various health care proposals, Sanders laid it out perfectly for everybody watching at home:

I get a little bit tired — I must say — of people defending a system which is dysfunctional, which is cruel, 87 million uninsured, 30,000 people dying every single year, 500,000 people going bankrupt for one reason, they came down with cancer.

I will tell you what the issue is here. The issue is…



Frank Lukacovic
Dialogue & Discourse

M.A. in Applied Economics. I'm here to talk about economics, politics, and life. Follow me here and on Twitter @BagsFoSho