The Silent Majority Is Not A Myth

The living electorate who wants civility, a better world, and common-sense solutions

Phil Rossi
4 min readJun 20, 2020


Nicole Y-C/Unsplash

That ho-hum middle, chock full of anonymous, level-headed folks. The Main Street crowd. The 60% swath of American voters, left and right of center.

The BLM movement isn’t the only one upset with America. There’s an entire nation at their TV sets and Internet connections watching our current events unfolding before us.

These anonymous folks at home are the Silent Majority. They’re the countless citizens practicing the Covid-19 mandates. Shelter-in-place, limited social activity, and small gatherings. They only leave their homes for exercise and essential errands.

At the pharmacy and grocery store, they’re the ones wearing masks, gloves, and minding social distance. They’re respectful, fair, and obedient.

The Silent Majority believes in Black Lives Matter. The SM wants a better nation. Racial and economic equality with more opportunity for all. Safer streets, better schools, and a greener environment.

The SM wants better policing. What they don’t want is lawlessness. And they won’t tolerate it. The entire nation is in anguish over the George Floyd incident. It’s a travesty and unfortunate reminder.

