This is nothing like 2000.

“When the fall is all there is, it matters.”

George Evans-Jones
4 min readNov 10, 2020


Bush vs Gore 2000 is too esoteric to simplify, but that hasn’t stopped the MAGA train from trying. The problem is, even for a legal layman it is clear the comparison doesn’t work.

Since Joe Biden was declared the President elect, several Trump supporting Twitter users have sought to push the hashtag #BushGore. Citing the 2000 presidential election in which Al Gore was declared the President elect for thirty seven days before the Supreme Court ruled in Bush’s favour thus making him President instead. Their hope, I assume, is to remind us there is precedent for overturning the status of a President elect.

The ruling has been re-upped in people’s minds ahead of the election, not only in the expectation of close race — something that has not manifest, as I will explain below — but also because on October 27, a week before the election, “Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh cited the case in his explanation of why he voted to deny a request to reinstate an extension for the receipt of mail-in ballots in Wisconsin”. There was clearly concern that this was an omen for any future ruling the Court would have to make on this year’s election.

However, there are a number of very clear reasons why placing faith in Bush vs Gore is a waste of time.



George Evans-Jones
Dialogue & Discourse

Writing mostly on US politics from across the pond. Occasionally detour into sports/sport performance, and UK politics/culture.