Right Wing Cancel Culture

This Is What The LAUSD Is Subsidizing

Under Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, the Miami-Dade school district has canceled textbooks that they had approved just a few months ago.

Dialogue & Discourse
3 min readJul 27, 2022


If the board does not approve the textbooks, they will be taking away the rights of everyone to public education that is based on facts and science.

- Miami-Dade Parent

Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, has tried to market his “Don’t Say Gay” law as a way to protect the rights of parents. Instead, it has consistently deprived parents of the ability to have their children educated in a manner that they seem fit. The latest example took place in the Miami-Dade school district that used to be the home of current LAUSD Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho.

Under a law signed last year by DeSantis, parents in Florida already had the right to opt their children out of sex-ed, including lessons that provided “information about disease symptoms, development and treatment”. This was not enough for “a vocal group of county residents [who] had objected to material on contraception methods, gender identity, and how to report child abuse, which was found in the ‘Comprehensive Health Skills’ textbooks.” Despite the fact that “38 out of the more than 40 people who spoke…had asked the



Carl J. Petersen
Dialogue & Discourse

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children. www.ChangeTheLAUSD.com