Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) CA, announces today House will move ahead with impeaching the President. (Click on photo to watch her full statement).

Trump’s Decided To Run A Trick Play For His Impeachment

The President repeatedly complains his side isn’t being fairly represented…Never mind that’s because he isn’t allowing the people who represent him to testify.

Dialogue & Discourse
5 min readDec 5, 2019


He wants you to focus on the word “unfair”, pin it on the Democrats, and forget about the part where it’s actually him blocking attempts for the the process to be fair. So there’s a subtle (actually not so subtle) and devious difference in strategy here than just calling the whole thing a cooked-up hoax, which has been his main thrust until now. That was how he handled the Mueller investigation, and it worked (especially when Attorney General Bill Barr summed up the Mueller Report in an inaccurately favorable way to Trump, and that summary became the sum total of the report in the eyes of Trump supporters, and frankly many others).

And in some ways that may indicate the President feels he’s more up against it than he ever was during Mueller, so he needs to come up with a different feint to sway public opinion and hopefully make it go away.

So his repeated line that Democrats get 3 witnesses and his side gets only 1 is a bunch of bunk. The President could have; was invited to participate in this latest phase of impeachment in the Judiciary



Eric J Scholl
Dialogue & Discourse

Peabody award winning journalist. Streaming media pioneer. Played @ CBGB back in the day. Editor-In-Chief "The Chaos Report" www.thechaosreport.com