Voting and Electoral Integrity

The 2020 election has strained our institutions and revealed weaknesses. Now is the time to address them.

Manu Chatterjee
16 min readDec 22, 2020


A Vote being cast. Photo courtesy Element5 Digital on Unsplash

The United States has just finished another Federal election cycle. Yet the tension around it shows we need a more uniform, transparent, and modern voting process.

It may be comforting to think that our election process is robust. The legal challenges played out and the system ‘prevailed’ - just with a little delay. I would submit the opposite is true. Our system worked only because the 2020 election wasn’t actually that close. If a single state decided the 2020 election, such as in 2000, chaos would have ensued.

Perhaps the most critical issue is this: How do we retain faith that the system of voting and representation is fair? No voting process can be perfect, but as a democracy, we strive for fairness and trust.

Let’s explore a couple critical areas:

  • Fair Voting Process (voting mechanics)— All eligible voters can have confidence that they can easily get their ballots cast and that they will counted correctly.
  • Accurate Information (influence)— Ensure people are accurately informed so that their votes and candidates best reflect their desired direction. This includes pamphlets, campaign…



Manu Chatterjee
Dialogue & Discourse

Engineer and Father of two. Passionate about, science, music, short stories, and little things that make life interesting.