What Makes Mitch McConnell Even Worse Than the Rest.

He always manages to set himself apart.

Lauren Elizabeth
4 min readOct 22, 2020


Susan Walsh/AP

Especially considering what the American people have been subjected to over the course of even just the past seven months, it’s genuinely difficult to know where to begin when it comes to the Republican party. As I have discussed before, when we take into account the levels of unnecessary pain, stress, trauma, and death that people have been subjected to after our Government found itself woefully ill-prepared and unwilling to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, I can’t help thinking that in a rational world, we would have revolted by now. In a rational world with consequences, it’s an objective truth that tens of millions of jobs lost, hundreds of thousands of people dead, and the masses being given a one time check of $1200 after hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars were given to corporations would have prompted people to take to the streets.

As more time passes, I’ve come to accept the brutal fact that the American people are just used to the cruelty, and that’s thanks in large part to Kentucky’s own Senator Mitch McConnell.

To be clear, every single lawmaker who has sat back and done nothing while communities continue to struggle and grow increasingly desperate should be terrified and ashamed to show their faces in public. But…



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx