Where “Vote Blue No Matter Who” is Taking the Democratic Party.

Why this narrative could ultimately lead to the party’s destruction.

Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readJul 7, 2020


Former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Via Associated Press

When it comes to the Democratic Party, few things fixate my attention more and draw my criticism than the ever pervasive notion of: “vote blue no matter who”. The more I consider it the more layers I find of seemingly endless toxicity, and more reasons why any candidate with a ‘D’ beside their name on the ballot box should get our vote, regardless of their positions or legislative record is so dangerous not just for the future of the political party, but the country overall. It’s time to address what this ideology means, where it’s natural progression is going to take the Democratic Party, and the broader implications of what that entails for the future.

Oftentimes those with even the best of intentions who argue for “vote blue no matter who” insist that we must just vote the democrat in to office because “obviously they’re better than the alternative”, and pressure them on policy once they’ve won their election. The thing is, if voters already agree to vote for a candidate anyways simply because they concede that they fear the alternative, how is a candidate going to be pressured at all knowing their base will just vote for them anyways? What leverage do you have to ensure a candidate listens to…



Lauren Elizabeth
Dialogue & Discourse

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx