You Can’t Change Opinions By Force

Gain Converts By Better Methods — Not Screaming

Erik Brown
6 min readMay 21, 2019


Photo by Randy Colas on Unsplash

Ours is a turbulent age, or so we think. Everyone has an opinion and will generally share it with you whether asked or not.

It’s really not so surprising if you think about it.

  • How many different flavors of ice cream are there?
  • How many different brands of car are there?
  • How many different styles of clothes are there?

Opinions are nothing new. Even extreme reactions towards others’ opinions are nothing new. You don’t have to go far back into history to find one religious sect wiping out another because of a disagreement on opinion.

Civil wars tear countries and kingdoms apart throughout time.

Think back to high school when the teacher forced you to read that page turner “Romeo And Juliet”. What was that about? A feud between families that erupted into bloodshed and threatened to keep the two main characters apart. Perhaps the turbulence we see today is just more of the same. We bang heads over opinions in the worst possible ways.

As a human we generally cherish our opinions. Since it works for us, why shouldn’t it work for everyone? All those who see things a…

