Classical music streaming service IDAGIO through the lens of graphic designer Maria Louceiro

“The big challenge is trying to balance how we want our brand to be perceived while still delivering a marketing oriented message.”

Judith Nguyen Thanh
3 min readOct 18, 2017


Maria is our Graphic Designer and she has a very special background. If you had to guess, what would you think she studied? Well, it’s a hard one, so I’ll tell you: she has a degree in Mining and Geo-environmental Engineering. Maria has been with IDAGIO since December 2016. Besides doing a killer job in the graphics department she also takes really stunning portraits of people. You can check out her work on

Read on to get an idea about how she ticks and how to get your picture taken.

Maria Louceiro

1. How did you find your way to IDAGIO?

I moved from Porto to Lisbon to try to get a (more exciting) job — I didn’t like Lisbon so I was frantically trying to move — fortunately I only stayed for a month before getting hired, and moving to Berlin to start working for IDAGIO in December 2016.

2. Can you describe a typical day at work?

3. What are your day-to-day challenges in working with a mixed team of designers, developers and others?

I work mostly with the Marketing / Communications team on advertisements and print design. The big challenge is trying to balance how we want our brand to be perceived while still delivering a marketing oriented message (“Spend $$$ on us” — written with a cool font and ethereal image in the background). Fortunately, since the recent rebranding I am allowed to be more experimental, which I’m happily taking advantage of.

4. What was the most relevant thing you learned in 2017?

5. You take amazing images of artists — how did you end up doing that?

I finished my degree in Mining and Geo-environmental Engineering and couldn’t see myself doing that forever and ever so I decided to study Communication Design (instead of Painting, as I was told painters usually starve and I quite like food). After I finished my degree, Portugal was facing a big economical crisis and I didn’t want to sit around sending CVs all day and night so I started appearing at random concerts and taking photos. Somehow I ended up shooting bigger festivals and some cool artists.

6. If you could photograph anyone, who would it be and why?

I am not sure, maybe someone who is perceived as a terrible person or that I really dislike.

Or Susan Ballion, the queen of the goths.

7. If you could be famous for anything in the world, what would it be?

Surviving without a fridge, apparently it is very hard.

If you want to reach out to Maria, check out her website and Instagram.

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