Sound-artist Natalia Bustamante about a typical day at classical music streaming start up IDAGIO.

“Leading and managing a team that has fluctuated greatly in size, from 4 to almost 20 people! It has been both a challenging and gratifying process. We have a great team composed of highly skilled musicians and musicologists.”

Judith Nguyen Thanh
2 min readNov 29, 2017


Natalia Bustamente — @ IDAGIO Office 2017

Natalia is a musician and sound artist from Bogotá, Colombia and the Teamlead for the Catalogue Team at IDAGIO. Her works have been exhibited and performed in venues such as Akademie der Künste Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof Museum Berlin and the Museo Nacional de Colombia. She joined IDAGIO early 2017 and here is why:

1. Why did you join IDAGIO?

Out of passion. As a musician and sound artist, the last thing I imagined was ending up working in an office. However, IDAGIO is a project that I have believed in since I first heard about it. So when I saw an open position in the content team, working on the works database, I applied immediately and have been working here ever since.


2. What does a typical day look like for you?

There’s no typical day here! My weeks consist of musicological research and discussions, music listening, managing the work catalogue team and even making playlists and learning to code. The common denominator of my days is to keep learning and growing!


3. What is the biggest challenge you have experienced in your daily work?

Leading and managing a team that has fluctuated greatly in size, from 4 to almost 20 people! It has been both a challenging and gratifying process. We have a great team composed of highly skilled musicians and musicologists — who also happen to be amazing human beings!

4. Tell us about a project you are very passionate about?

I love music, sound, maths and technology in all their possible combinations. You can check out some of my sound installations and music performances at

Learn more about us on If you are interested in becoming a part of this journey feel free to check out our open positions.

