Do you know what sustainable material is? The latest sustainable material library is opening in Taiwan!

Do you know what sustainable material is? Do you know how to use sustainable materials? Do you know that Taiwan has developed many sustainable materials?

Taiwan’s first “Sustainable Materials Library” (SML) in 2020 will collect nearly 2,000 materials that are sustainable, environmentally friendly, and recyclable within four years. Walking into this treasury vault, you can fully experience each part of the environment-friendly materials here.

Sustainable materials are widely defined as “Materials that have the smallest and most harmless burden on the global environment and human health during the collection of raw materials, product manufacturing, use, and post-use recycling phases can be called sustainable materials.” Its material characteristics include low-hazard substances (eg eight heavy metals, plasticizers, pollutant emissions, etc.) in the life cycle of the product, energy-saving resources (referring to low carbon, low material consumption, lightweight, reduced volume, natural materials, etc.) The characteristics of renewable resources, water-saving, durability, etc.) and easy recycling (referring to the use of recycled materials, single material, easy dismantling, recycling system, decomposability, etc.).

The Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, MOEA actively has long promoted the circular economy and sustainable development of SMEs.By the advantages of the remarkable material development and manufacturing abilities of Taiwan. The establishment of the “Sustainable Materials Library” (SML) brings opportunities for communication, which has connected the designers, new creators, and creative developers. Striving to reduce inferior products and problems caused by the use of wrong materials, and reduce the threat of unsuitable products flooding the market.

“Sustainable Materials Library” (SML) officially opened in Taichung last year which displayed simultaneously with physical and online platform databases. In the future, the Sustainable Materials Library will cooperate with schools, public associations, design teams, brand owners, and other groups to create a sustainable cycle. Business opportunities for new creation, manufacturing, and industrial transformation are welcomed. Together, we can let the real power of Taiwan’s “sustainable materials” be seen worldwide!


